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Week 2: Multi-family Townhouse

This week I was able to get out of the office, which is always nice, and go downtown with Roy to get some site measurements for two townhouse projects we’ll be designing. One is a going to be a multifamily townhome and we had a meeting with the clients on Tuesday. I had the site plan drawn up with a plan of a previous townhome they had built (these guys are into investment properties, they work with Roy for designs and construction to turn around and sell it) Originally they had wanted two units, and now their pushing us to get three… (Challenge 1) 3 3-story units on a 60’ wide lot) they also want off street parking so either 2 units with garages (seems more likely according to Roy) or 3 units with parking in the rear if the clients are able to buy the extra property and get approval from the historic review board. Still, I drew up 4 different options in AutoCAD to get an idea of what were going for here. The historic review board is a whole other challenge on its own, with cut off dates and meetings then it all depends on what they want to approve. We’ll get to that when the time comes. (Challenge 2) So, when they come in for the meeting we discuss all these options and whatnot and get ready to start configuring options for 3 units where 2 should be built.

Anyways I’m adding a few pictures of the options I've got so far for multifamily unit. as well as some site photos of the property. I've just been working out plans in AutoCAD, getting feedback and going back into AutoCAD. I think AutoCAD and me are slowly but surely becoming friends. I also thought keeping track of the projects and hours worked on them would be tough, but I’m doing well on that part so far. We’ll see if that changes once I have more than 3 or 4 projects! Yall enjoy the townhouse drawings I have so far and I'll check back in tomorrow!

Love from Ogletree and me!

Danille Joris

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